Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Boosting Self confidence

Are you one of the many who are struggling to build their confidence? Well, you can achieve the stronger and more confident you in just 5 simple ways. Self-confidence is something that is beneficial especially in your performance and in changing your general outlook in life. While some guides require hundreds of dollars to help you build self-confidence, these 5 steps only entail you and your positive attitude towards yourself. Hence, to achieve that improved mindset, take heed of the following techniques:

1. Create a diary or journal. One of the ways to boost your self-confidence is by writing down your daily thoughts, feelings, and opinions on a journal or a personal diary. Since you would be the only one who gets to read the entries, the things you will write down would be honest and true. This will help you analyze why you get insecure at times and will assist you in understanding your behavior so you can strive to improve self-confidence and determine which areas of your personality needs improvement or which needs to be maintained.

2. Know your company. The people around you also comprise one factor that can heavily affect your self-confidence. Try to evaluate your relationship with the people you spend most of the time with. Observe whether they are positive and upbeat when you are with them. Most studies about human relationships reveal that people who are surrounded with positive friends and colleagues are healthy and thus achieve strong self-confidence. Your friends and inner circle also affect indirectly your attitude. Keep in mind that once you know how to improve self-confidence, you can easily deal with the stressful situations in your life since you have friends who are supportive.

3. Try new things every day. Because you are afraid to do things other than what you have been used to, you tend to generally stay behind, which contributes to having a low self-confidence. If you want to improve self-confidence, do not be afraid to take risks and do the things you have always wanted to do. Do not be afraid of failure or even rejection. Believe me, it will make you tougher. Avoid repetitive activities for it will breed monotony; instead, try a new route and find out what’s on the next block. Try a new haircut or buy that dress you wanted to have but have been too conscious to wear thinking that it might not fit perfectly on you.

4. Take a look at your strong points. The moment you start writing your thoughts on a journal, you are giving yourself an opportunity to assess your strengths as well as your weaknesses. You can build self-confidence by focusing on your best attributes and the things most people appreciate about you. Constantly remind yourself that you are a special person with talents waiting to be developed.

5. Keep a positive mindset. Tell yourself that you are a strong and responsible person who is capable to take on different challenges that life has to offer. By keeping a positive mindset, you are actually conditioning yourself to give out your best thus tremendously improving your self-confidence.
You don’t have to make a big dent in your pocket when you simply want to build self-confidence. Start with knowing yourself better and have discipline and that persistent will to improve, and you should be on the road to looking at yourself in a more positive way.

Article Source: Free Articles

Monday, November 8, 2010

New Beginnings

Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog.

Several million blogs on the net and here is my first. My aim with this blog is firstly to motivate myself. Changing or improving myself in every erea of my life. I honestly believe that only by changing myself will my influence over others be more positive. Secondly, this being a learning curve, I will be passing on any knowledge to my family and friends. Stressing the point to put knowledge into action.

Thirdly, I hope to influence you dear reader, to make some changes as well. I will report on my transformation at least once a week, with a monthly review. I sincerely hope to here from you. Learning from you, sharing information and motivating each other. Lets be honost. This will probaly not be a walk in the park, at least in the beginning. There is some serious hard work to be done. I have my whole life always tried for the quickest and easiest way. Turning 37 in January 2011 I've come to realise that I have been wasting precious time, money and energy.

No, the only way is the right way. And yes there is more than one way to skin a cat. But, we have to start somewhere and see it through. Adapting our strategy as we experience and learn more. We all want results. We want them as quickly as possible. We have to follow the process though! I know for a fact that things become easier as we go along. And before we know it it becomes 2nd nature.

So whats the difference now, you ask? Why havent I done this before susccessfully? As I've said. I've always tried the quickest and easiest way. Not being a bad thing in itself. It becomes dangerous when you never commit, never follow through, always searching for the newest, the best approach. It becomes very dangerous, because you do not make progress, you do not fullfill your goals and your dreams. You are left empty with low confidence and most likely you will be moving backwards instead of going forward.

Being unhappy is not living. Make no mistake, I have had many blessings from God, I have had good days, I still do. But, I am not happy. I love my family, I feel good about the fact that since I can remeber I wanted to better myself. It shows that I want to. But, I have used the wrong strategy. I believe there is alot more to life. More love, more happiness, more freedom, more abundance...

So those who feel inspired to make some changes, lets do it! Lets do it the right way! And before we know it, we will be doing new things, experiencing new things and we will be happy. Why? Because God wants us to be happy! He wants us to be in control of our lives. Not Putting Him out of the picture of course, but relying on Him for direction, strength, wisdom and happiness.

God bless and good luck.